Made-up As I Go

Skincare, makeup, and style reviews.

The hydration game

This will be mentioned, mentioned, then mentioned again.  It really is that important.  You have to drink enough water.  It makes a big difference in your skin.  And your life.  If I am a little dehydrated I have a headache and feel tired.  I have almost completely eliminated headaches from my life by staying hydrated.  You can fake dewy skin with creams and makeup.  But the best look is genuinely hydrated skin that glows from within.

Warning: Science ahead!

The human body is a huge percentage of water.  Up to 60% in most adults.  That is a lot.  Dehydration can make your blood pressure low and cause dizziness.  Have you ever felt dizzy going from sitting to standing?  Could have been related to dehydration.  Ironically chronic dehydration can also cause high blood pressure.  Basically, dehydrations messes with your body in very bad ways.  Even increases anxiety in women.  Men were more likely to lose brain power when dehydrated while women were more likely to have increased anxiety.  You can read more here.  Women get the short end of the stick in this case.  At least in that University of Connecticut study, we were more adversely affected by dehydration …. as if wrinkles were not a bad enough side effect.  That is why you need to stay hydrated.

So what can you do?

Eight glasses a day is easy to remember and track.  There are specially made water bottles with notches, apps for your phone, reminders on the Apple watch, advice a plenty.  Eight might not be enough for some and too much for others.  Seriously who knows how many ounces they have in a glass.  Like, really knows?  There are complicated formulas based on height, weight, and body composition.  Don’t worry too much, just make it a best effort.  Sure you might run to the bathroom a little more often if you drink too much.  Aim for a slightly yellow pee and life will be good.  Diet Coke doesn’t count people.  Water is king.  Flavor the water, have it carbonated.  But stay the heck away from any kind of sweetener.  Natural, artificial, sugar or whatever.  A little actual fruit juice is fine.  A whole glass of OJ not so good.  You don’t want to drink straight juice all day.  Fruit water infusions home made or otherwise are cool.  Moderation, be smart.  I believe in your ability to make good choices.

Diet Coke is not hydration.

Why drink water?  Why not just have a Diet Coke?  I am not being mean, there is real science behind this.  Studies are admittedly mixed.  Some artificial and natural sweeteners cause an increase in insulin production due to your tongue tasting the sweetness.  As a result, it sends a signal to the brain that you just ate sugar.  But no sugar is ingested so it can cause a cycle of sweet cravings.  I don’t want to take the chance.  I drink water plain at work and have a few carbonated La Croix at home.  I am at the point where my favorite carbonated indulgence, Wild Cherry Pepsi, makes me feel like I am going to die if I drink a whole can.  All of that sugar.  My body freaks out and I feel like I am in hummingbird mode.  My heart races and I feel a little sick.  It took a year of serious detox from sugar to reach this point.  Sucha negative reaction sure makes it easier to say no to sugar at this point in my life.  That story is told here if you need help on your own sugar detox journey.

You’re still drinking Coke Zero aren’t you… right this very second!  There are devotees who will never stop.  I can’t save you.  Just please make sure some of your liquid intake is water.  Feeling tired and headachy can’t be covered up by any amount of makeup, under eye concealers, or hyaluronic acid filled moisturizers.  Do your body a solid and drink some liquid 🙂


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