Made-up As I Go

Skincare, makeup, and style reviews.


Thank you for stopping by.  I intend to use this space to share my experiences with beauty products.  I have a bit of a beauty product obsession and love trying new things.  This is a place for me to share those experiences.  Beauty is very personal and what works for one person is completely wrong for another.  There are also just shy of one hundred million choices.  No one can get through them all.  We all rely on reviews.  I hope to hear from you guys on your experiences.

A bit about me.  I am in Chicago.  Have been here all my life.  As winter approaches I always start to question that decision but every summer I can’t imagine living anywhere else.

 You are likely to see me post some local information.  If there is something similar where you live please comment and share.  You never know who you might be able to help.

I am also obsessed with Target.  They are upping their beauty game and deepening our love.  Just when I thought I couldn’t love them any more than already do.

Sephora is my other obsession.  I am sure that will be referenced early and often.  They are popular for a reason.  Sheet masks, beloved sheet masks.  They are a hobby on to themselves.

Being in my 30’s I sympathize with anti-aging concerns.  Prevention is better than trying to cure so all of you young ladies take note as well.  You want to try and stay ahead of the game.  Even young Kylie knows to put on that eye cream right now to stave off wrinkles.  I even have taken a Tria laser to my face in the name of science and beauty.  Testing on animals is cruel but as a being with free will I am taking a few for the team on this site.  I have even gone so far as to see if this face shaving trend is worth doing.  I am not kidding people I am going to lengths and blazing a trail.  Let’s figure this out together.

Enough about me.  Time to go write some reviews!

It was a pleasure to meet you.


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